for C.P.
Little fox
your fur forever
My house
and waist
Crazy lke a
sly cunning outfoxed
foxy lady
Carring visions
never fail
Airplanes circle
around your tail
Fly to honey
color to the brush
at light
at dark
The edge rules
the line beats
Doorway eye:
beech glass green
Salmon leap
shriek of blue
Seeing-eye fox
Wari; Nazca
Entering the temple
Porphyry quartz
Ollanta; tambo
more than the buries guts
The door sprouts
Squared bean
of sacred being
Paw slowly raised
Sniffing the track
From the temple
to the canvas
Your tail painting
what can compare
Your head
never corned
Lights up
the inner thigh
newly born
vision given
Vicuña, Cecilia. “Fox.” Trans. Eliot Weinberger and Suzanne Jill Levine. Unravelling Words & the Weaving of Water. Ed. Eliot Weinberger. Minnesota: Graywolf Press, 1992. pp. 91-93.