
About is the result of a research project led by Professor Odile Cisneros in collaboration with a team of research computing analysts* and students** and at the University of Alberta, in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. A trilingual (Spanish, Portuguese, English) online resource mapping the relationships between contemporary Latin American poetry and the environment, this website is intended both for general readers of poetry as well as for students and researchers in the areas of environment and literature.
The resource’s digital platform allows for different ways of mapping texts. Beyond the traditional “author/work” format, readers will be able to create digitals maps of poetry focusing on abstract concepts (man and the cosmos, hum[an]imal, vegetal life, etc.) or specific topics (pollution, endangered species, indigenous ecological knowledge). Through links to actual maps, images and sounds, it will encourage readers to link poetry to place, text to geography.


ACKNOWLEDGMENTS gratefully acknowledges the generous support of:
  • SSHRC – Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
  • UARE –University of Alberta Undergraduate Research Experience
  • KIAS – Kule Institute for Advanced Research at the University of Alberta
  • ASLE – Association for the Study of Literature and the Environment
  • The University of Alberta
  • Mitacs
Many thanks also to the tireless collaborators in the many phases of this project:

*University of Alberta Arts Resource Centre:

  • Mark McKellar
  • Kamal Ranaweera

**Student researchers :

  • Julia de Marins Costa
  • Andreza Pereira Dias Ramos
  • Sophie Kobel
  • Maria Fernanda Mosquera
  • Vinicius Dorea de Oliveira
  • Jérémie Pelletier-Gagnon
  • Axel Pérez Trujillo
  • Leanne Rempel
  • Sofía Lorena Sánchez
  • Bruno Soares dos Santos
  • Caroline Sandanieli de Aguiar
  • Isabela Domingues Raposo
And our deepest gratitude to all the poets and translators who have generously allowed us to disseminate their work through this website, and the editors, publishers, and literary agents who support them.